Saturday, September 07, 2024

Foot Update-- Grumpy Patient Edition

Since it has almost been two weeks since I last wrote about this damn thing, I thought an update was in order.


I hate the boot. I hate it with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.


It is heavy as all get out and pulls hard on my leg. That causes the knee to hurt and the hip. My back, which always hurts, is doing something on a totally new level of pain. Walking is very problematic as I hook the bottom of it on the front door frame and other things around here. It causes the leg to swell over the course of the day which is not something anyone wants. Especially this cardiac patient.


I hate the damn thing.


I see the foot doc Tuesday morning. I want it off. I don’t want physical therapy as, no matter the situation, physical therapy always makes everything worse. I just want to wear my regular shoes, get back home, and be done with all this crap.


I hate the boot.

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