Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Short Story Wednesday Review: Barb Goffman Presents: Restoration by Art Taylor

From the massively magnificent archive here at Casa Tipple and Home Eatery Library in my little part of NE Dallas….


Barb Goffman Presents: Restoration by Art Taylor imagines a world where, for a fee, a loved one can be duplicated as a sort of insurance against the worst. By buying a policy, one could ensure that in the case of an unexpected death due to a car accident, plane crash, or some other unpredicted traumatic event, a clone of sorts would be created to take the place of the recently departed loved one. The slick brochure calls it “victim replacement”” and the husband is proving to be a hard sell though the wife seems to be interested.


So begins the tale which originally was published in Crime Syndicate Magazine: Issue 1 comes to life here as part of the Barb Goffman Presents series published by Wildside books. The tale was a good one back when it first appeared and is still a good one now five years later.

Amazon Associate Purchase Link: 



While I picked this up a few weeks ago when it was offered for free at Wildside Press, it does not come up there anymore and seems to only be available at Amazon. 


Kevin R. Tipple ©2020, 2024


TracyK said...

This does sound very good, Kevin. I purchased a copy at Amazon via your link.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

I enjoyed it. Hope you do too. By the way, when I was setting this up, I discovered Barb has a bunch of these featuring different authors. More than a dozen. Might be worth checking out.