Saturday, October 05, 2024

Scott's Take: Amazons Attack by Josie Campbell, Illustrator Vasco Georgiev

Amazons Attack by Josie Campbell, Illustrator Vasco Georgiev, shares the name with several previous books that used that same title, but it has nothing to do with those. This is a miniseries that expands on Tom King’s Wonder Woman run following the first issue. After the bar fight where an Amazon killed several people, now known the “West Billings Massacre” there has been a serious rise in terrorism.  Several Amazon supporters are engaging in terrorist attacks on innocent people with no apparent reasons. The original murders during the bar fight have triggered more killings and violence.


Queen Nubia (the new queen of the Amazons as Wonder Woman’s mom, who was queen, died and became a god) is attempting to have a meeting with the United States President to hopefully find a peaceful end to the killings and violence. Somebody talked and the resulting security breech is first apparent because several secret service agents have eyes that suddenly glow yellow. Things, of course, go wrong and the Amazon Queen is soon on the run while trying to figure out the identity of the person or persons setting them up and proving her innocence.


Queen Nubia is soon joined by Faruka 2nd, Yara (the newest Wonder Girl), Mary Marvel, Hoppy (the magical bunny that Mary owns), and way later Cassie (the 2nd Wonder Girl). There is action and plenty of humor. The art works really well. Overall, there is a general positive message for women and young girls in this tale. The same is not true for the men.


Faruka is sexist, at points, towards men. She never experiences a comeuppance for her behavior and other characters consistently ignore her comments. If it was the reverse, one would think it would be addressed. I did not care for her at all.


While Nubia is often featured as the main character, I still don’t really have a good understanding of the character. She remains pretty shallow for me. She is a good person, she is a queen, she is a lesbian, she used to guard the entrance to hell, and that is pretty much it. Not a lot of depth there. Yara was fun as the grumpy character who does not want to be there. Mary Marvel and Hoppy were my favorites in it. They bring the humor and help the read a lot. Cassie has some fun moments when she shows up in the last few issues. The villains are overall decent, but could have used some more time to be expanded into a greater depth.


Overall, despite some of its flaws, as I perceive them, this is a fun read. It is hurt by its format of being a limited run miniseries. It has a positive message for women while telling a good story. This is a good book that expands on why the Amazons are now so hated by the general public. Not a must read for the Wonder Woman Tom King run, but does help flesh out the story.


Amazon Associate Purchase Link:  


My reading copy came by way of Hoopla through the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A Tipple ©2024

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