Saturday, January 25, 2025

Scott's Take: Avengers: Twilight by Chip Zdarsky (Author), Daniel Acuña (Artist), and Cory Petit (Letterer)

Avengers: Twilight by Chip Zdarsky (Author), Daniel Acuña (Artist), and Cory Petit (Letterer), is an elseworlds tale set sometime in the future of the Marvel Universe. The Avengers were disbanded by the various governments of the world after a tragedy that impacted humanity. Steve Rogers was stripped of his powers and now lives as a shell of a man as America descends into tyranny with most of the population unaware since the media is fully controlled by the government. It is not long before Steve realizes the world needs the Avengers now more than ever and he gets his butt back into the fight to free the world.


Not the most original story, but it is a fun action-packed political thrill ride with realistic stylized art. The big battle that led to these events could have been delved into more detail as well as some other details that made this elseworld different.


It’s hard not to read this tale as the writer taking shots at the current American political system. Not that doing so is a bad thing, but it’s there. In a world that many did not understand The Boys was a direct shot at the American right, and are now very angry about it, this read is not subtle in what it is doing here.


Steve is the main character with several other Avengers playing roles. Thor is really cool in this book. He gets some of the best action scenes as the big gun of the Avengers.


I liked the read overall and enjoyed it. I think it could have easily used more than six issues to breathe since some things are rushed. Various things could have been detailed more in a longer run such as how Jan and Tony ended up married to each other as they are not usually each other’s love interests. Steve is also married to a new character named Rosa and how that happened is not very detailed. It would have also been nice to have a prequel showing casing more of the big tragedy prior to this series.


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As noted before, I read this on the Marvel Unlimited app.


Scott A. Tipple ©2025

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