Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Sandi Today

As expected things took quite awhile today. The upshot is she is about the same on various things so they adjusted a couple of med dosages and left everything else alone.

She is currently scheduled to have a test done on her neck next Tuesday to see if the blood clot is still in her neck. The swelling in the area of the clot has finally gone away and so has the pain she had. that leads everyone involved to think the clot has massively shrunk if not finally vanished. If so that would mean they could stop the blood thinner and that might help some other things.

They are still trying to get those in charge to agree to let her have the Pet Scan she is now 90 plus overdue for here as she simply can't travel to Mayo in Jacksonville. Not only is she not physically strong enough to travel--especially after the latest setback--but since she is oxygen dependent and has to have the cylinders with her that violates TSA regulations. We need somebody with a lick of sense at the insurance side of things to take charge, approve it, and let her get on with getting it done.We all need to know what her cancer stage currently is and nobody seems to be able to cut through the red tape.

Not only does she need it done asap for medical reasons, she also needs it for insurance reasons. January 1 marks the new year and the 10k deductible again with means the whole cost of roughly 4900 bucks would be on us if they won't cover it. We are going under as it is and can't swing that as the hospital is going to want the money upfront because of the previous bills we are making very small installments on each month.

Of course, this would not be such an issue of Texas Medicaid would cover her medical bills. They won't as she does not qualify because she does not have a child under the age of 18 in the home. The fact that she is terminal with no assets means nothing to them.

It is all very discouraging and frustrating. The fact she is so ill is bad enough, but dealing with the complications from insurance, my worsening health, the collection agencies, and other nonsense is just too much. I'm sick of being an adult.

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