Sunday, December 01, 2013

Kings River Life-- New mystery short story by Claire Murray in KRL & much more

I'm late with this as I as well as Karl spent much of yesterday over at my Mom's house trying to help her deal with various things. As posted elsewhere yesterday....

Up this morning in Kings River Life Magazine a mystery short story by Claire Murray

Also up this morning a review & giveaway of Heather Blake's new mystery novel "A Potion to Die" For and a fun interview with Heather

We also have reviews & giveaways of 3 more fun Penguin mystery novels-"Freezer or I’ll Shoot" by Victoria Hamilton, "Read It and Weep" by Jenn McKinlay, and "Charms and Chocolate Chips": A Magical Bakery Mystery By Bailey Cates

Also we have an article about Take Your Child To A Bookstore Day--a day started by mystery author Jenny Milchman, that is dedicated to encouraging our kids to read and enjoy the wonders of bookstores

For those who enjoy fantasy with their mystery this morning we have a review & giveaway of Laura Resnick's new novel "The Misfortune Cookie"

And for the writers among us, we have an article about social media for writers written by mystery author  Sunny Frazier

Lastly, over on KRL Lite, we have a review and giveaway of "Locked Within" by Helen Macie Osterman

And as always, if you're having trouble with links in yahoo groups just go to our home page and scroll down to find all of these articles and more

Happy reading,
Lorie Ham
KRL is now selling advertising & we have special discounts for
mystery authors & bookstores! Ask me about it!
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