Saturday, January 07, 2023

Scott's Take: Dead Man’s Hand: The Unorthodox Chronicles is by James J. Butcher

Dead Man’s Hand: The Unorthodox Chronicles is by James J. Butcher, the son of Jim Butcher. Going into this read, I expected the book to be a product of nepotism and probably not worth my time as it has not been published on its own merits. I was very wrong.


Grimsby is a mediocre witch who was kicked out of the law enforcement agency of witches. He now works as a performing witch at a fast-food restaurant and life sucks for him. The person who got him kicked out is violently murdered and Grimsby is framed for the killing. If he wants to survive and not end up arrested or dead, he is going to have to prove his innocence.


This book is very similar to the Dresden Files by his father in that it also features a sense of humor. The read evolves into a buddy cop book where Grismby and another character, the Huntsman, tell the tale from their perspectives. There is action, humor, strong character development, and interesting world building though at times, the read may be a little male gazey for some readers. Comments about female anatomy could hit some folks wrong. It also relies on some plot cliches.


There is a sequel planned, but it has no title and no release date. Dead Man’s Hand: The Unorthodox Chronicles is by James J. Butcher is a solidly good debut novel that stands on its own merits.


My reading copy came for the Central or Downtown Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2023

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