Monday, February 24, 2025

Aubrey Nye Hamilton Reviews: The Banker: An Andy Roark Mystery by Peter Colt


The sixth appearance of Boston private investigator Andy Roark finds him out of his depth in an embezzlement case. He’s never investigated financial fraud before but he needs the money and the case doesn’t sound that hard. Harry Brock, president of Merrimack Community Bank in Amesbury, on the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border, retains him to watch the three employees who have the access to remove $2 million from the bank’s accounts. Brock says he doesn’t see how the money was taken and he wants Roark to find the one who is spending more money than he or she should be.

After two weeks of following three apparently blameless people leading quite ordinary lives, Roark resigns out of sheer boredom. Brock urges him to stay on the job, offers him more money but Roark is convinced he isn’t the right person to learn where the money is and who took it. About a month later Roark learns that Merrimack Community Bank was robbed the day before and one of the employees he followed for two weeks was killed. While there was no obvious connection between the embezzlement and the robbery, Roark was still uneasy about what seemed to be a coincidence. He had just completed three cases and he had the leisure to look around again in Amesbury so he returned to the small town where he discovered enough to become convinced something odd was going on in the bank.

I reviewed the first title in the series five years ago and I noted then it would be interesting to see how Colt dealt with the enormous technology revolution that was soon to occur. Colt seems to want to keep Roark firmly in the 1980s. This book is set in 1986 and there are mentions of computer printouts on green and white striped paper but pay phones were still commonplace and the internet was not yet available to the public. References to Vietnam and Roark’s tour of duty, to the pop songs playing on the car radio, and to the various Boston sports teams are the only obvious ways to establish the timeframe, although readers more familiar with Boston can likely tell from mentions of construction projects and restaurants.

Colt has got the whole PI trope down pat. The story shifts gears seamlessly from a dull stakeout assignment to something much more sinister. The shootout at the end is slickly choreographed and executed, and the resolution is satisfying. This series is reminiscent of Spenser, and readers who miss him and John Francis Cuddy, or just private eyes in general, should look into these books.


·         Publisher: Severn House; Main edition (March 4, 2025)

·         Language: English

·         Hardcover: 240 pages

·         ISBN-10: 1448310717

·         ISBN-13: 978-1448310715


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Aubrey Nye Hamilton ©2025

Aubrey Hamilton is a former librarian who works on Federal It projects by day and reads mysteries at night.

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