Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Publication Day Review: Battle Mountain: A Joe Pickett Novel by C. J. Box

Battle Mountain: A Joe Pickett Novel by C. J. Box is the latest in this long running series. While Joe Pickett is certainly in it, this is more of a Nate Romanowski novel. For very good reason as Nate is still on the hunt and his quest for revenge though the trail has gone cold in more ways than one.


Nate is still looking for Axel Soledad. An evil man who has done many horrible things. Nate is going to get him, no matter what. Soledad killed Nate’s wife, Liv, and must die. He knows it won’t bring Liv back. But, every day Soledad breathes is another day that he has lived far too long.


The chase continues this early October as Nate is lowly getting closer and closer to a showdown with Soledad. In a surprising turn of events, Geronimo has found Nate high up in a mountain range as he contemplates what to do. Geronimo also wants Soledad dead for going after his wife and child. They survived. But, Geronimo thinks if he and Nate unite in the hunt, they have a better chance of ending the evil man finally before he spills more blood and hurts anyone else.


At the same time this is happening, Governo Rulon wants Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett’s help. His son in law, Mark Eisele, has gone missing as has the elk hunting guide, Joseph “Spike” Rankin. They were preparing for elk hunting season in the vicinity of Battle Mountain in Southern Wyoming. Spike was supposed to let the Governor know every day how his son in law was doing as the man is an outdoor novice with no experience at all. Not only is his daughter and wife starting to worry a little bit, Rulon does not want the local sheriff involved as he is one of those Sovereign Nation idiots, and does not want the media to get wind of anything. Rulon wants Pickett to go down there and find the two men and do it as quietly and discreetly as possible.


One can’t say no to the Governor. Not only is a force of nature, Pickett owes him several times over for past situations. Saying no was never an option.


The result is a fast paced read as various forces converge on Battle Mountain. While you now know the two primary storylines, much more is going on in the read that will culminate in a battle on the mountain. History tends to repeat itself.


As always, politics is present in this read, though in this case it works better for the story and is not so heavy handed as some of the recent reads in the series have been. More than anything, Battle Mountain: A Joe Pickett Novel by C. J. Box is an action adventure read with no character development as the primary characters were fleshed out long ago. The read also serves as a great escape from the world madness that infects our lives on a daily basis now.


Strongly recommended.


Amazon Associate Purchase Link: https://amzn.to/40T79H3


My digital ARC came by way of the publisher, G.P. Putnam's Sons, through NetGalley with no expectation of a review.


Kevin R. Tipple ©2025

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