Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I am back home from the hospital where Sandi is doing a bit better today. They have taken the IVs out of her and they took the drainage tube out to see what will happen overnight. Some of the blood work came back clean which is a good sign though tissue samples won’t be done until early next week.

It also looks like some of the tests that were planned for this Saturday have to be pushed back into next week because of what she went through yesterday. That and the fact that those involved are pretty much gone for the holiday weekend. In the morning they will reassess her status and we will go from there as we are in for “a long haul.”

On behalf of all of us, we hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We thank you so much for your donations to help us stay here, your prayers, your thoughts of support and your notes of encouragement. I have tried to respond to each and every one and I hope I did- both here and elsewhere.

We wouldn’t still be here without you. On this Thanksgiving we just can’t tell you how thankful we are for each and every one of you and how much it means to all of us. Thank you does not begin to cover it. But we are thankful and we thank you.


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