Sunday, November 26, 2023

Still Doing The Amazon Associate Thing

With tomorrow being “Cyber Monday” as the kids call it, I thought I should remind you that I am still an Amazon Associate. Every time you click through one of my links and buy something, I get a few cents added to my account as a referral fee. It does nothing on your end to raise your price. I just get a few cents and those pennies that cost you nothing start adding up for me on this end. I use the small fund to buy some medical stuff I need and the occasional book.

So, if you are inclined, when shopping at Amazon, please go through my links for whatever you are ultimately buying. Doing so helps me out and is always very much appreciated.

As always, if you wish to make a donation directly to me that will mainly be used to pay for my more frequent doctor visits, treatments, and meds, please use the donation widget on the left side of the blog here. 

Anything and everything helps. 

Thank you.

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