Monday, February 09, 2015

Pet Scan Results

Late last night they decide they needed a Pet Scan and insurance approved it as she is in the hospital. It took most of the morning to accomplish.

The scan confirmed the stomach lymph nodes as cancerous and interfering with the return blood flow from the leg. There is also a pocket like structure around the lymph nodes that may be also cancerous. They also see a spot in the middle of her chest in the wall of it that is small and most likely the same cancer. It is not in her lungs or in any way connected to anything with her lungs.

Other than that they don't see any sign of any cancer. The scan was from her face down to her knees and was clean everywhere else. This means that as near as they can tell the cancer has not spread at this point and is isolated in two locations.

She starts chemo tomorrow and he expects it to be a combo of chemo in the hospital as well as outpatient chemo every week when she is not in the hospital. The plan will be firmed up later this evening in consultation with Sandi's main cancer doctor. He remains optimistic that they can shove it back into remission, but clearly he is talking way more chemo than what she has gotten in the past.

So, at this point, I think the news is as good as we could have possibly gotten.


mybillcrider said...

Yes, definitely good news. I'm thinking the chemo will do the trick!

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Boy, I hope so.

Barry Ergang said...

What Bill said.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

I hope so. Very thankful it was not found in more places. The place in the chest is a spot that has appeared before and that isn't new. The stomach lymph nodes are new.

Sandi and I were both braced for and fully expected it to be found elsewhere.