Friday, February 06, 2015

Still NO Word

No results on the biopsies still. We are still on hold for chemo until it gets back to the doctor.


mybillcrider said...

We had this problem. They have to be very careful since the cells look so much alike. So much so, in fact, that they completely misdiagnosed Judy.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

I'm not sure what is happening. This was supposed to be the 48 hour rapid test which, in the past, has shown absolutely nothing. It was always the one that takes a week that would confirm the presence of the cancer.

We had the impression earlier today that he had been told that it looked like cancer and was just awaiting an official deal. That was supposed to be in by close of business today.

Despite their best efforts her leg continues to swell which means that the lymph nodes are increasing in size and further cutting off her circulation in the leg. Supposedly that has not reached a critical stage yet, but to the untrained eye it looks like it is way past critical. Her leg is absolutely huge.