Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Still Sick

As some folks know, I have been fighting a cold that I got from Scott. I am still sick though slightly better this evening. Not sure what happened while sitting at UTD late this afternoon, I got very sleepy and a little dizzy. I actually napped for a few minutes in a chair in Green Hall until a future politician walked by holding court and spewing utter nonsense. He will go far.

Shortly after that Scott showed up and there was no way I could drive yet so we had dinner on campus. Sitting outside the pub area on campus, we ate dinner and I started feeling a bit better.  The weird dizziness and lightheadedness faded away, the nasal passages quit doing their fluid things, and the chest pressure and tightness I have had for the last three days went away. We sat there a bit longer and I started feeling decent. At least decent for me. Feeling it was safe to do so, we headed home.

The whole deal was weird and not something I have dealt with before.

1 comment:

Barry Ergang said...

Get thee to a doctor--or at least talk to one on the phone! I've never heard of some of the symptoms you describe as being related to colds.