Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Review: "Pigtastic!" by Scott Gordon

Charmingly illustrated by Julien Tromeur, Pigtastic! by Scott Gordon gently teaches little ones to accept their own individuality. Facing the reader, the pig explains that though the pig may not be rich, the pig has a heart of gold and that is what matters. The pig stresses through various other examples to consider the
interior of a person and not what he or she is on the outside.

The book concludes with six ads for other books created by the author Scott Gordon. Many of these books have been translated into other languages including Pigtastic.

Colorful and fun, the pig provides a positive role model for little ones ages 3-6 in a very short read that will entertain and educate. Illustrations and text are very simple and tell the thoughts well. While the artwork and text may be very simple, the taught concepts of being positive and accepting of yourself are very important. Like Alphabet All-Stars, Pigtastic! by Scott Gordon is a good one.

Scott Gordon
Kindle E-Book
December 2011
(Estimated print length 39 pages)

Material picked up during the author’s recent free book promotion for my objective review. Pigtastic! was read via the free “Kindle for PC” program.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2012

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