Thursday, August 08, 2013

Doctor Day Thursday

This morning I have to take our youngest, Scott, to the foot doctor. Back about four weeks ago or so he banged his his left foot against something (what escapes my mind at the moment) and thought that he had just bruised the heck out of his left little toe. He was sure he did not break it because it did not hurt that bad and he could wiggle it a bit. From my own experience on a number of occasions, when I have broken my little toes the pain is pretty intense and I can't wiggle them. Sandi has shared the same experiences--more than once.

So, with the fact he could wiggle his toe pretty evident, we agreed with his diagnosis and didn't worry as slowly the swelling went down and the bruising faded. Everything seemed fine....and then it wasn't.

Scott has pain in the side of the foot from the toe back to the heel. If he wears sandals there are no problems. But regular sneakers hurt so something is wrong. What it is we don't know and that is why we have an appointment with the foot doctor. The same good guy who has worked on Scott over the years since he was a child and got broken glass in his foot.

So, Karl will be here today to keep an eye on Sandi and her oxygen equipment while Scott and I make the long drive across the hot Texas highways to see the doctor with a name. His office isn't east of Omaha, but over in Richardson (and the highways are not lonely but over crowded) so it takes awhile to get to and from. Hopefully whatever is wrong can be fixed for Scott easily as school at UTD gets back in session in a little over three weeks. He needs to be able to walk around there with no mobility issues.

I know way too much about mobility issues.....

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