Monday, April 23, 2012

Flat Out Funny--Sesame Street: The Closer

Both Sandi and I are big fans of TNT's The Closer.  Though, I have to admit that having Brenda' father dealing with cancer at the same time as Sandi has been  dealing with her cancer did not make for good escapism television.  It was very upsetting to come home from a round of chemo and watch that in the evening. Personally, for that factor alone, the split season has been a help.

For every other reason on the planet, the split season has been a bummer.   Should be something when it finally comes back.  It is a long time till July 9 and the final six episodes. More information at

Anyway, thanks to author Terrie Farley Moran who mentioned it  on one of the many lists I am on, I learned Saturday morning that there was a spoof of the show on Sesame Street. I think it is hilarious and the person who did the voice over for the pink puppet Brenda did an amazing job. The video is embedded  in at  CRIMINAL ELEMENT (excellent website and one I read frequently) so head over to the post  "The Muppets Take On Brenda Leigh Johnson" by Deborah Lacy from last Saturday and take a look for yourself.


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