Monday, August 05, 2013

Finally Back Home

Things were running behind today and then I had to feed everyone here so this is coming up later than I would like.

Sandi's cumidin remains too high but has come down to 3.1. We are to continue avoiding all greens because of the parasite risk reported in the media as well as the fact they don't want her to do anything diet wise that could cause it to swing one way or the other. Later this week they want her to take some of the medicine so they can check her again on Friday.

Oxygen wise she seems to be doing a little better. Because of that they are going to start slowly tapering the steroids off and see what happens.

All other bloodwork shows some improvement.

Pathology results are back on the lung samples and there are definitely no signs of any cancer.  The samples have been evaluated by a couple of different parties and they are absolutely sure there is no cancer. The cultures have still not grown anything and should have done so if she had a virus or bacterial infection. this seems to confirm the diagnosis of pneumonitis. Based on what they are seeing at this point, they now believe it is at least somewhat reversible. Whether or not she can ever  become free of the oxygen assistance in some form will take longer to determine, but they think the pneumonitis has started to reverse.

So, all in all, we got the best possible news we could have gotten at this point.

I'm exhausted and flopping on the floor to rest. E-mails will have to wait till a later time as I am hurting really bad and very tired.


mybillcrider said...

Congrats on good news

Maureen Harrington said...

There is such good news, and I'm very happy for both of you. xo

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you both. Glad I could finally share some good stuff.