Saturday, August 03, 2013

Interesting Interview Elsewhere-- Denise Weeks

After reviewing MURDER BY THE MARFA LIGHTS by Denise Weeks earlier in the week (you can read the review here) I came across an interview with her on the "Dames of Dialogue" blog. The interview with Denise Weeks or Shalana Collins if you prefer is extensive and covers the writing process, her books, and much more. You can read the interview here.

1 comment:

Shalanna said...

Even as long as the interview with the Dames is, there were about half the questions that they didn't have room to publish. (We did a lot of talking, heh.) I am posting excerpts from the cool questions that they asked but didn't have room for on my official blog at (free while supply lasts!)

If you like the complex answers that I give, it's a good bet that you will be able to stand my books. If you fall asleep and prefer the concise sorts of answers that you get in Soundbite World, you might not be as enthusiastic. Reading the interview will give you some clue as to whether you're going to be a fan . . . maybe. (LOL!)