Saturday, August 03, 2013

A Sandi Update

I wasn't in the best of shape yesterday afternoon or evening so I didn't update as to how Sandi is doing these days. Breathing remains about the same. The new, bigger tanks run slightly more than two hours at her flow rate so that is a little bit better for going back and forth down to the doctor at Medical City Hospital Dallas. With it taking about 45 minutes one way, the time adds up. Because I can't move them Scott is now going with us each time to move the tanks as we have to take spares with us. I am not sure how we shall make this work once Scott is back in classes at UTD at the end of the month, but the obvious solution is to start taking Karl with us. He won't be thrilled, but the choices we have on this, like nearly everything else, are very limited.

We went down yesterday morning as scheduled to go get her cumindin level checked. It was high at 5.1. That means it climbed from 2.7 to 5.1 in four days. They want her to range between 2 and 3. Thanks to the scare with the produce she has not been eating salads, broccoli or anything that could have caused this to happen. With it being so high she is off those pills through the weekend and they will reevaluate based on the blood test Monday. Sandi does the full blood workup then and also has a doctor appointment.

The picture below is from this morning. They have finished, at least for now, working on our porch to fix the leak and drainage problem. So, our stuff is moved back where it belongs. We discovered today that her air umbilical cord can reach from the machine plugged inside to the rocker out on the porch. So, we sat out there until the sun cleared the buildings and it got too hot.

As you can see if you look closely, much to her relief, her hair has started coming back. I have never cared one way or another, but to her this is a huge deal and I get that. She had about given up hope that it would come back this time. I suspect the powerful steroids she is on now have caused this to start, but I can't prove it.

Thanks to a couple of last minute donations we have just barely made our rent--even with the price increase due to the new lease. Moving was not an option and so we had to take the increase offered back a couple of months ago. I really didn't think we would make it this time, but we did.

And we thank you. The only reason we are still here is because of you that have chosen to help us. We are very grateful and appreciative.


YA Sleuth said...

She looks so happy on the porch. This picture made me smile.

Hang in there, Kevin.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

We are and thank you.