Tuesday, May 26, 2020

WGA West: When Your Only Weapon Is Inaction by Dennis Palumbo

WGA West: When Your Only Weapon Is Inaction by Dennis Palumbo

In the piece, Dennis Palumbo talks about how the pandemic is a background hum in all of our lives. Since 2017, grief has been the background roar of my life. Losing my Mom in January was bad and meant I was parentless though it was not unexpected at her age and with her medical issues.I had known her time was limited. I also knew by that fall that another horrible event was on my immediate horizon.  Losing Sandi that December after a six year plus fight against the god damn cancer was not unexpected.  I thought I was ready. I was so very wrong. Grief has been a background roar in my life ever since. The pandemic hum is not helping that as my primary way of coping, escaping to the library and bookstores, has not been an option. I am not a therapist and certainly do not play one on tv, but, as he points out in his piece, turning the television off does help. The piece resonated with me and I suspect it will for many of you as well. 

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