Tuesday, October 01, 2013

TV Time

While I can't talk about the case, if you ever wondered what I or our son Karl sound like, you can go here and see an interview that was done earlier today for WFAA Channel 8 in Dallas. It is a very surreal experience seeing yourself on TV.


Jan Christensen said...

Kevin, this is great news, and it was nice to see you and Karl on TV. I hope Kroger now drops it, pays up, and Karl can get on with his life and you and Sandi can have some relief from all the stress of this.
Wishing you only good news now for the rest of your life!!!!

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you, Jan. I hoped you are right.

Fiona L. Woods said...

Finally some good news for your family! It's good you could get this on TV so people can see how craxxy Kroger has been. Maybe that will convince them to drop it and avoid more bad publicity.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you, Fiona. We just did the TV thing as we were told to by his Karl's lawyers. Hopefully this will soon be over and it can all quietly fade away.