Thursday, April 08, 2021

Vaccine Update: 52 Hours

 We felt better when we got up this morning so we decided to go about things like it was a normal day and not stay in bed all day like we did yesterday. That was a bit of a mistake. 

As the day wore on, we felt more and more fatigued and somewhat achy. Scott also developed off and on chills though that seems to have stopped this evening. His right arm still bothers him a bit, but he seems to be powering through it and it is not impacting his video game performance levels tonight. 

All in all, if this is the worst of it, we have done very well. 


cncbooks said...

Kevin, I had the J&J and spent the next 5 days with pretty bad muscle aches and fatigue. Couldn't do much more than shuffle from my bed to a recliner. Then, miraculously, it was all gone when I woke up on the 6th morning. Like you, I considered the vaccine to be well worth it. Hang in the there ��

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you for telling me this. We are not at that level, but we are definitely feeling it.